Sunday, November 16, 2008

My most memorable project---and a freebie!

I asked the girls this week to chat about their most memorable or meaningful project they have made. I have loved so many things I have made that have been sent to live with other families, but I would say the most meaningful one was the album I made for my mother-in-laws 60th birthday. I was asked to design the invitation to be sent to approximately 50 people and then as my gift I made her an 8X8 scrapbook album. I used chipboard throughout for sturdiness and covered each piece with patterned paper. One each page I sewed a pocket and added three tags, one tag for prices of things, one tag for the different shows from that year and the third tag was for music of that time. Each pages title was the year beginning with her birth up to her 60th birthday. I also included on the tags if a friend or family member was born or married. Now, this project took me over 2 months to complete, but I was so honored when she chose to display it at the party for all her friends and family to see. The other guests just loved looking through it and remembering certain years with a fondness they had forgotten. My mother-in-law took that album with her every where for months and now has is lovingly displayed in her home for everyone to see. When we sit down to create something for someone, we can only hope it will be received with the love with which we made it. I know this album went to the right home and I am so happy I did that for her!

Since I always feel bad not having pictures to display, I am giving away another freebie. I have a mini goodie bag for anyone(not including the SALDC girls!!) that comments in about something they have made that was well-received by another person. I have 3 of these bags, so be sure to comment to get your freebies! And be sure to comment by Tuesday, 11/18 to qualify. Each bag is different, but I am cleaning out supplies and this seems like a good way to do that! After leaving a comment, email me your home address at and I will send you a treat.

Have a wonderful Sunday!



Grin and Barrett said...

I made a paint can for a sleep over birthday party for Lauren's friend. I put P.j.'s in there and socks and nail polish.... Just right for a 9 year old. I have a picture posted on my blog, I put her name on it along with a big flower...... I LOVED IT, and so did she....

Jennifer, Ohio

Grin and Barrett said...

Oh my goodness Karen, where are all the comments? What is going on with these ladies lately? They better get a move on... not much time left!

Hope you are have a wonderful day!
